Last year’s wildfire season was tragic. The need for fire damage restoration soared as fire damage cleanup rose to unprecedented levels. San Diego County expended approximately 28.5 million dollars to responding to wildfires. The outcome of this year’s wildfire season is looking worst. Brenda Ekwurkel of the Union of Concerned Scientists notes that California missed all of the torrential rains brought by El Nino. Consequently, conditions for wildfires are exceedingly great due to soil moisture being dry and mountain snowpack at all-time lows. In fact, according to the 2015 Versik Wildfire Analysis California has over 2 million household that are within the high to extreme risk levels.
So the question to ask is: Are you prepared for the 2015 San Diego County Wildfire Season?
Never Neglect San Diego Wildfire Preparation
Every year detailed information is made available along with reminders about how to reduce the chances of your home becoming a victim of wildfire. Reviewing and checking your property for these items may not only save your property; it could also save your life. Consider the following this year:
- Rid your yard of all dead plants, grasses, leaves, and weeds. Keep your lawn mowed to a maximum height of 4 inches.
- Clear your gutters and roof of all leaves, pine needles, or flammable debris.
- Make sure that your trees are trimmed so that a 10 gap rests between them. Also, trim any tree dead branches loom over your roof.
- Never leave woodpiles exposed to natural conditions. Store them in flame resistant containers.
- Remove small plants and shrub from areas near your windows or wooden decks.
- Never mow when conditions are extremely dry or windy. Try to mow before 10 a.m. when the dew point is the highest.
We hope you have a safe and prosperous summer. Please take this wildfire season seriously and help any of your neighbors who may have difficulty preparing. It will take a community effort to weather wildfire season. Christian Brothers Restoration is a leader in San Diego County fire water damage restoration.